Posts Tagged ‘Everett


Clear Image Darkroom now a Film Drop

Drop your E-6 Slide Film, 35mm or 120 Negatives, or Black and White Process Film Here!


the Historical Darkroom – the Modern Darkroom

the Darkroom: restore, print, archive, present.

Clear Image Darkoom in Marysville, WA


the Darkroom Photo Lab and Custom Framing

Clear Image Darkoom in Marysville, WA


 Many people have asked me why I decided to name our new shop something like “the Darkroom”.  It was a hard decision for us because our business is so diversified.  Well, first off, I think it sounds cool!  We have had people walk in just because of the mystery of the name.  I also have strong feelings about the traditional darkroom, which has now become somewhat of a historical term. 

The traditional darkroom is wonderful place for many people I know – now a wonderful memory for most. Chemicals and lightsafe rooms have given way to digital manipulations and inks, but the concept has not changed.  Just as Ansel Adams dodged and burned to get his vision of the finished photograph, modern artists, especially photographers, have used new technologies to create their vision in the same way.  

When I think of a darkroom, I think of a tireless photography artist, bent over in concentration, examining his work and enjoying the endless creativity that his materials allow him…he is in control; in control of the beauty of light and darkness, lines and curves, and the hope of showing his soul – and the soul of his subject, is in his fingertips. 

Ironically, or should I say serendipitously, my good friend and I (he is the Darkroom’s custom framer and lab tech manager) became friends in a college darkroom class! 

Who are we?  

Clear Image Darkroom.  Restore, Print, Archive, Present.  

We can take your print from start to finish.  Start meaning scanning, reproducing, and restoring or retouching, than archiving your memories and work.  Finish with us by presenting with mounting, folders, albums, gallery wraps, or custom framing.  

Another image one might conjure when thinking of artists, is certainly less romantic than what I described above…one of “taking all the time in the world, working odd hours (i.e. sleeping in), not good with people, inflexible, etc…). This is a generalization of course.  Clear Image has a saying: we are Artists at Heart, but also Professionals in Action.  Expect beautiful work that is cared for, dare I say, obsessed over, but done on time and with “white glove” customer service (literally!). 

We hope you will come visit our new store soon! 

Cheers! – Daniel, Owner & Operator


Chamber of Commerce

After being a member of our local Marysville-Tulalip Chamber of Commerce for years, I decided to check out the Everett Chamber of Commerce that meets at the Everett Golf and Country Club.  I knew how to get there because Mindy and I recently did some photography for a medical group’s party in the main room.  After the uncomfortable thoughts such as “walk around and hope I see someone I know”, and “why did I come so early?” and “there aren’t enough people here yet…which person do I approach/avoid first?” , I then decide to gather up my courage,    and     ….grab some coffee!  Yeah…coffee is good…wait…ack! No coffee out yet?  More uncomforable shifting…Finally I introduce myself and get into a lenthy conversation with a sign company president.  Our sign is so old outside, it has started to yellow a bit – not a huge deal until the landlord put in a new sign right above it! Sigh.  Makes us look “experienced” right?  Breakfast is served – coffee is on – sausages and bacon are piled high – all is right in the world again.  I was forwarned by Robin Hanson, the person who was gracious enough to invite me here, that we were going to have to give a 1 minute “commercial” about our business to 3 different tables.   No sweat – I’ve done this before at the Lynnwood Chamber years ago.  Ha…easier said than done.  Kay Ashenfelter of Red Cross talked about a new promotion of theirs called “flat daddies and mommies”.  Kids with parents in the military can now have free life sized cutouts of their parents who are away – great for toddlers to crawl and drool on, kids to go to bed looking at, and teenagers to dress up with Tina Turner wigs, take as a date to dinner and draw mustaches on.  What a fantastic idea!  Walmart gave away $5,000 for kids in need, as well as school supplies and some employee help for wrapping presents.  On the business side, I was able to meet a nice couple who needed some Christmas portrait greeting cards ASAP because they just lost a bunch of weight, and needed to send their pics to all the relatives!  What a way to celebrate!  They just started an at home business of making photo buttons, t-shirts, and things like that – all the best to you two, and thanks for coming in!  I also connected with very pleasant Sadora with Classic Contruction, Inc., whos remodeling company does beautiful and high end work – I hope to be working with her for all her “after” photos in January.

And to top it all off – I won a spicy apple butter mustard from Frawg n’ Turtle, a Washington apple butter company and purchased some truffles from an elegant candy maker (and perhaps look into food photography for her company). 

I’ll be back!